Tuesday 21 March 2017

Doctors are feeling unsafe given the rowdy, aggressive new age citizen visiting hospitals

The future of medicine continues to produce astounding results in saving and restoring human life for many many individuals. This probably is the reason of expectation of the dear ones from their doctors of complete recovery of the patient.

However, India is witnessing a large dynamic change in human behaviour towards their saviours, Indians are reacting and roughing up doctors on any news not upto their expectations.

Doctors are not just feeling the pinch but also feeling the pressure of such altercations, many relatives who do not wish to pay after the operation or treatment are resorting to vandalism and  destruction at hospitals and clinics.

Doctors in Maharashtra have gone on strike after such an incident leading to crippled support for patients and major issues for people who faced injuries during the period of major strike.

The new thing to protect doctors and maintain safety at the hospital premises is to hire bodyguards and bouncers who ensure absolute peace and security for each doctor at the hospital. Bodyguards are generally placed near operation theatres, ICUs, Payment Counters and Entrances. These areas are the most prone to fights and retaliations by the family members.

Doctors and medical staff have not been part of the medical industry to part of angry fights and skirmishes, dignity and respect are general in any profession. No professional should be demanding for such a basic and necessary condition. One needs to evaluate the choices nowadays before making any decision for the better of the patients and have complete record to have proper reasoning for their medical actions.

All this is not a problem for doctors working in India specially Delhi and Mumbai. These two major metropolitans have citizens from across the country and the behaviour patterns show where the people are headed.

Doctors feel unsafe, they have been hugely affected by such display of aggression, no doctor stands day and night in the hospital work tirelessly for hours and days and months to get manhandled by families of patients. This form of retaliation and vandalism is affecting the performance and peace of mind of such a noble and dignified profession.

The future looks scary as more and more people are expected to vent their frustrations, expectations on senior, hardworking doctors and medical staff.

Hiring Bouncers is one way to ensure peaceful transition for families and doctors and also for the hospitals.

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