Wednesday 4 June 2014

Rising Rape Cases in Uttar Pradesh, India and around other parts of the country

It just does not strike you, it never strikes you until it actually blows you away. This is how the Indians consider rape happening in their backyards. We think that rape somewhere in India does not concern us and should not affect my daughters, sisters, female members of immediate circles. We continue to presume and mirage our thoughts that the women rape belonged to a very small circle, village or a very ancient poor locality in India and such rapes cannot affect us in any way possible.

Its sad that women have to fight for something they should be given without a thought - Freedom and Space to Live

Let us actually emphasise and understand what is happening around us. Every women takes the same set of precautions as you have done. We continue to allude ourselves that by learning from the mistakes of previous rape cases and taking precautions necessary to prevent a situation created previously we are keeping our female members safe. This is not how the corrupt and the exploit work. If this was the case then there would have been no rape cases in India throughout 2014.

Women are not unsafe because of the set of precautions taken are not sufficient but because the mindset and the set of laws continue to have patriarchal dominance and shall affect the society as long as we don't teach our kids and change our laws to become more women centric.

The country is becoming more populated and the people are becoming more insecure in their on going quest of money and power. Foreigners travelling to India have been questioning are mentality and behaviour since long and it will not take any more rape cases for them to brand us as an unsafe country not to be visited for any purpose. Foreigners are hiring bodyguards and gunmen in India to maintain safety and privacy at all times.

What happens when such a barbaric act takes place? Does it end in somedays..... No, it leads to a catastrophic chain reaction which further damages the belief people have in our so called ancient country. The laws are old, the execution is thrifty and we as educated middle class are unaffected by the number of rapes that happen around the country.

To change this, to cause an impact on the male psyche one needs to fight for rights, fight for basic human emotional stance. We need to rise or else we shall continue to pay with sacrifice  of our daughters.

The rapes will continue in Baduan, Delhi, Mumbai and other parts of the country. What will you do to stop them from happening. 

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