Thursday 21 August 2014

Why are tourist spots the real target in India?

Travel to any tourist destination in India and you will find a melee of people - beggars, street hawkers, tour guides, pamphlet distributors, ice cream vendors and small exquisite item seller. As an International tourist you may find this very exciting to handle and enjoy the bright colours that come with this entourage of people waiting right outside your destination. But there is more than why meets the eye that travels to these places and includes smugglers, traffickers, touts and even anti - peace protesters, criminals.

So should a foreigner travel to India and visit these places, the answer is an affirmative yes but what are the things to take care of when travelling to such touristic places:-

1) Be vary of buying even booted water locally

2) Do not listent o touts , no matter nor good the deal

3) Never give assistance and money to a beggar or a street urchin

4) Do not eat any uncovered food

5) Sometimes even well educated people are involved, be careful before become friendly

6) Try always announce you are not alone even if you are

7) Always carry an emergency number

8) Refuse group pictures requested by locals

9) You will meet many foreigners so you won't feel trapped

10) Relax, India is strange but beautiful country 

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